to the history of Indonesia...........
to the political system of Indonesia..........
Position: Southeast Asia; Archipelago between Pazific and Indian ocean
Coordinates: 05.00 S ; 120.00 E Extending of: West to east:
5,110 kmNorth to south:
1,888 kmNumber of islands: 13,677 of inhabits:
Surface: Total:
1,919,440 kmēCountry:
1,826,440 kmēWater:
93,000 kmēBoundary lines: Total: 2,602 km Malaysia:
1,782 kmPapua New Guinea:
820 kmCoastel lines:
54,716 kmMountains: Highest one:
Puncak Jaya:
5,029 mLowest one:
0 mNatural resources: Gold; Silver; Petroleum; Nickel; Bauxite; fruitful soil;
WoodOil; Hard Coal; Copper; tin; Gas; Population: 1997 approx.:
213 mio.1999 approx
216 mio.Age structure 1997: of it: to 14 years: 31% 15 to 64 years: 65% over 65 years: 4% Age structure 1999: of it: to 14 years: 30% 15 to 64 years: 65% over 65 years: 5% Population groeth: 1997: 1,5% 1999: 1,5% Birth rate: 1997:
23,1 / 1,0001999:
22,8 / 1,000Death rate: 1997:
8,2 / 1,0001999:
8,1 / 1,000Child mortallity rate: 59,2 / 1,000 57,3 / 1,000 Birth rate: 2,6 children / Women in
1998 & 1999Ethnical groups: 45% Javaner 14% Sundanese 7,5% Madurese 7,5% Malayen 26% Papuas and others
Religions: 87% Muslim 6% Protestants 2% Hindu 3% Roman-catholic 1% Buddhist 1% other Language: Office language: Bahasa Indonesia most common:
JavaneseMalay; English Dutch local languages and dialects Illiteratism: Entire population: 6,2% Men: 10,4% Women: 22% Capitol: Jakarta Compulsory schooling: 6 years Universities: nationally: 33 privately: 25
(24 pcs.)Bali Bengkulu Papua (Irian Jaya) Jambi Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah Jawa Timur Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur Lampung Malukku Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur Riau Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah Sulawesi Tenggara Sulawesi Utara Sumatera Barat Sumatera Selatan Sumatera Utara Timor Timur "special regions" Aceh Yogyakarta "special
capital-district"Jakarta Raya
National holiday: Independence day
17. August (1945)Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (Rp) Inflation rate: 1998: 77% Volume of exports: 1997: approx:
53,4 billion US$1998: approx:
49 billion US$Import volume: 1997: 41,6 billion US$ 1998:
24 billion US$Railway: Total distances:
6,458 KmMotor roads: Total distances:
393,000 Kmtarred: 178,815 Km untarred: 214,185 Km Water ways: Total: 21,579 Km of it: Sumatra:
5,471 KmJava and Madura:
820 KmBorneo (Kalimantan):
10,460 KmSulawesi:
241 KmPapua
(Irian Jaya):
4,587 KmAirports: Total: 443 of it tarred: 125 untarred:
318Weights & measures: Metric Electricity: 220V, 50 Hz Tourism: approx. 4 million visitors / year